The Rigol DS6104 is a very high quality four channel digital storage oscilloscope. It offers a real-time sample of up to 5 GSa/s rate and up to 1 GHz of bandwidth.
This high performance standard not only ensures capturing real-time instantaneous signals, but also observes details of repeated signals. The DS6104 has a refresh rate of up to 180.000 wfms/s, enabling users to capture instantaneous signals, as well as abnormal signals more quickly. It also helps to enhance the waveform capturing ability and to expedite a circuit debug course. The quality of the Rigol oscilloscopes is comparable to Agilent and Tektronix oscilloscopes.
Up to 1 GHz BW with 5 GSa/s sample rate
Standard 140 Mpts deep memory
Up to 180,000 waveforms per second capture rate
Up to 200,000 frames for waveform record and replay
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