MSO7054 is a multifunctional and high-performance digital oscilloscope designed on the basis of the UltraVision II technology developed by RIGOL. Integrating 6 independent instruments into one, the MSO7054 series is equipped with super high sample bandwidth ratio, extremely high memory depth, clear display, excellent waveform capture rate, and powerful data analysis functions.?
Up to 10 GSa/s real-time sample rate
Up to 500 Mpts memory depth (option)
High waveform capture rate (over 600,000 wfm/s)
Up to 450,000 frames of hardware real-time and ceaseless waveforms recording and playing functions
Integrates 7 independent instruments into 1, including digital oscilloscope, 16-channel logic analyzer, spectrum analyzer, dual-channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator, digital voltmeter, 6-digit frequency counter and totalizer, and protocol analyzer
A variety of serial protocol triggers and decodes
Auto measurement of 41 waveform parameters; full-memory hardware measurement function
A variety of math operations, built-in enhanced FFT analysis, and peak search function
Waveform histogram analysis (standard)