The RIGOL MSO8000-AUTO CAN and LIN Protocol Trigger and Analysis for MSO8000 Series Digital Oscilloscopes is a great addition to your digital oscilloscope. Equipped for both LIN and CAN bus options, your device will be able to provide more customization and data visibility to diversify your results.
For RIGOL MSO8000 Series Digital Oscilloscopes (sold separately)
CAN trigger: start of frame, end of a frame, Remote ID, Overload, Frame ID, Frame Data, Data and ID, Frame Error, Answer Error, Check Error, Format Error and Random of the CAN signal
CAN analysis decodes the remote frame (ID, byte number, CRC), overload frame and data frame (standard/extended ID, control domain, data domain, CRC and ACK)
LIN trigger: Sync, ID, Data (length settable), Data and ID, Wakeup, Sleep and Error of the LIN bus signal
LIN decoding displays sync, ID, data and check sum
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